Call for Tutorials

ICWE 2013 invites proposals for tutorials that will provide conference participants with the opportunity to gain knowledge and insights in a broad range of Web Engineering areas. Participants at the tutorials include scientists and practitioners, who are seeking to gain a better understanding of the technologies, methodologies, tools, and techniques used to develop and maintain Web-based applications.

Proposed tutorials can be either half-day long (3 hours) or full-day long (6 hours). Tutorial proposals should address issues related to the topics of the conference; however further topics are also encouraged as long as they are of special relevance to ICWE. Tutorials that have less than 8 early registrants will face the risk of cancellation.

Submission instructions

Proposals must be no more than 3 pages and must provide a sense of both the scope of the tutorial and depth within the scope. Tutorial proposals must clearly identify the intended audience and its assumed background. The intended length of the tutorial (3 or 6 hours) should also be indicated, together with justification that a high-quality presentation will be achieved within the chosen time frame. Proposals should also include contact information and a brief bio of the presenters. If the tutorial has been given previously, the proposal should describe where the tutorial has been given and how it will be modified for ICWE 2013. In summary, tutorial proposals must include the following information:

  • Tutorial title.
  • Tutorial abstract: Less than 250 words describing the goals and contents of the tutorial.
  • Intended Length: half-day (3 hours) or full day (6 hours).
  • Description of covered topics, concrete objectives, and learning outcomes, as well as an overview of the tutorial’s structure.
  • Intended audience and assumed background knowledge.
  • Presenter(s) contact information: name, affiliation, email, mailing address, phone, and fax.
  • Presenter(s) biography demonstrating that s/he is an expert on the subject of the tutorial.
  • Relevant references.
  • Indication if the proposed tutorial has been given previously.
  • Sample slides of the tutorial, if available.

Proposals must be in PDF format and submitted electronically to the tutorial chairs ( no later than the submission deadline.

Along with the notification of acceptance, presenters will receive further instructions on how to prepare a two-page summary of the tutorial (to be included in the conference proceedings), tutorial notes (to be made available on the conference website), and a brief bio. The summary’s abstract, bio, and a link to the tutorial notes will be included in the program. 

Important Dates

Submission deadline: March 8, 2013 (23:59 Hawaii Time) (March 1, 2013)
Notification of acceptance: March 29, 2013 (March 22, 2013)
Camera-ready: April 19, 2013 (April 12, 2013)

Tutorial Chairs

Maristella Matera, Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione, Italy
Benjamin Satzger, Microsoft, USA

In case of inquiries, please contact the tutorial chairs at


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